About the Email Teardown Club
Hi there! I'm Corissa, and this is my newsletter for fellow messaging fanatics.
Communication is subjective. That’s one of those “well duh” statements. Until you find yourself sitting down to write a message to someone who isn’t right in front of you. And then… you start to sweat.
Who exactly are you writing to?
Who *aren’t* you writing to?
How do you structure and frame what you’re saying to achieve what you want to achieve?
It’s tempting to draw conclusions about whether Stuff Other People Have Written is “good” or “bad”. There’s no shortage of folks out there sharing their thoughts on that.
But what if you’re not the intended audience for that stuff? Shouldn’t we really be asking ourselves whether it worked for THOSE people?
There’s another (and I’m biased but… better) way to get ideas for writing more effectively: being part of the action, in the moment.
That’s why I set up this email list. Once every few weeks (ish), I guinea-pig myself on a real live email I’ve been sent out in the wild. Did it succeed or fail? What’s actually happening in the words that may have led to that outcome?
This exercise has helped me get significantly better results from my writing, and I want it to help you too.
Join the Email Teardown Club – the newsletter for messaging fanatics
“I am member of a Toastmaster's public speaking club since end 2019 and the onboarding was confusing. A few different platforms, committee members that all came and asked me stuff...
I wished there was a mail, with meeting recaps, tips, all the links to social media, upcoming events with dates and links.
So in summer, when I became a committee member myself, I created a newsletter with Mailchimp. With all the things I learned from you I feel and felt confident enough to do that in a compelling way.
Everybody loves it! I send it to club members and guests we had and the audience grew to over 50 now with a satisfying opening rate of 70% :)”– Email Teardown Club member Nina Prager
P.S. Know any other messaging fanatics? Get ‘em on board too!